Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day One

Okay. Disappointment. It could have been better. The mushrooms were lacking in flavour, that oooomph that you get when u taste a breathtaking dish, was not there. :(
And of course the shortbread, hmmm, it was okay, the fudge layer needs to not dominate the taste of the thing,then it should be alright. It needs to quieten down a tad bit. But hopefully all this will not discourage me and I keep going on.

Apart from all this havoc in my life, everything has been good and happy and nice until probably a few minutes ago. I think I'm paranoid. I need to settle down and not get worked up. Someone very close to me is getting attached to someone I don't like. It's bothering me. Not in a I'm losing him kinda way, but more of a complicated way that my mind has managed to weave up. I don't know what to do. But you know that feeling where you don't want to make a good thing bad, it's something like that. I don't wanna mess with anything right now. Too fragile for my liking.

Help? Anybody???

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Julie & Julia madness!

It has been a while has it not? But the thrilling part is I've been watching Julie & Julia,the movie, and I simply can't get over the excruciating food in it! It's like I wanna cook and I don't know where to begin exactly. So much so that,I just dragged my dad to the store to buy stuff to make Mushroom Curry tomorrow. At 11.57pm.

This could be my moment of being stark raving mad, but I'm enjoying it. The feeling of not knowing where to begin is quite being fancied by my inner frenzies. They're having quite a party thanks to Julie & Julia. And there we are, that brings us to Day 1 of my cooking expedition, which could possibly unravel an aura of interest in my cooking world. Many are quite joyed over the fact that my sudden love for cooking would bring about a bounty of scrumptious food their way. IF it does not turn out to be a total flop that is.

So here's to tomorrow, a day of Mushroom Curry and Millionaire's Shortbread.

I love the movie. I just love it for doing this to me.